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New Moon

The Savvy Expat Helpline

Need support dealing with telecommunication, utilities, public services and other Portuguese bureaucracies? We have a help line for that!

The Savvy Expat Helpline - Beta Version

We know coming to a different country can be overwhelming and there are a lot of things new residents don't know how to deal with!


With that in mind, we are developing a new subscription service - The Savvy Help Line


As this project is still in an early phase of development we are currently looking for people willing to be testers for a first draft of this service, we want to understand what kind of things expats will need the most support with, so we can create systems to deal with them and provide support efficiently on real time.


What can you use the Savvy Expat Helpline for?


  • Support with local services

  • Translations and misunderstandings in Portugal

  • Support with public services

  • Find the best way to solve problems with services

  • Simple legal advice*

  • Cultural Advice


* not in real time, you will get an email with the answers in up to 2 business days




In this initial phase we will only have text and email support as it is easier to manage when we do not yet know the demand or frequency of the need of service, or even if the things expats need the most support with are the ones we are expecting.


We will be monitoring the beta line for 1-3 months in order to create systems that allow solving most of the issues that come up in real time. 


In the beta service you can expect a live text reply, but depending on the support needed it may not be solved instantly. 


The helpline is going to be run by the Savvy Cat team, so a team of locals, and we hope to be able to answers most of the questions in real time, but bear in mind it is a beta service, and we might be surprised by requests ourselves.


We do not know how much demand this service is going to have as it is something completely new in Portugal, but we are currently looking for 10-20 beta testers to help us understand the market needs and develop a live help line call service.

Helpline Signup


Special Offer

We are planning for this service to have a cost of

per month

However for the Beta test we are going to offer it for


per month

Special Offer

You will be able to contact the Savvy Expat Helpline from 9am to 6pm Mondays to Fridays to get support when you are struggling with services or bureaucracies in Portugal to have support and guidance


We may have an add-ons later to book a team member to accompany you to services or go there for you




What extra services would you like to see with te Helpline?

Thank you for signing up! You will get news in your email box soon!

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